Thursday, February 25, 2010

No one can make Levi smile or giggle like his big brother Jack.

Practicing my french braiding skills one of the days we were snowed in.

Jack and Kayla "napping"

My very happy, and drooly boy

"Sleeping Boobie" as she calls herself

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Family Picture

This past Sunday we had our picture taken for the church directory. After looking through pictures this week I realized this is the first family picture with all 5 of us. Sad I know! There are plenty with Me and some of the kids, or Brian and some of the kids, or just the kids, but this is the first to capture us as a family of 5. I guess it is another reminder that things are busy around the Snyder household...but lots of fun. The picture also tells a story... Levi is constantly chewing these days. He chews on his hands, burp cloths, toys, or anything else he can cram in his mouth. He is only 4 and a half months but I wouldn't be surprised if he is an early teether. Kayla's hand is mid air and mine is reaching up to hold her hand down because a few seconds before this picture was taken she was picking her nose! Yes, my little princess likes to dig! Jack was being a good boy and decided to smile! And unlike the other families that wore coordinating outfits, we are not. You see, as I told a friend the other day, I think Levi has sucked my short term memory away. I forgot we were supposed to get our pictures taken until the very end of the service that day! But here we are and we are so greatful God has blessed as a family of 5.