Thursday, May 17, 2007

Sunny Days...

I think the sun was in her eyes on the way home.

Pretty in pink.

Some things are only cute when you are one.

Kayla is now one month old which is hard to believe. She is awake a lot more now, you never know when Jack might come around the corner!

My colloge roommate Rachael came to visit us last week!

Sleeping like a baby.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Joys of Children

Now that baby Kayla is here I am discovering just how fast children grow up. One day you look up and your baby is a big boy. Jack and I went out for a bit before naptime and he just wandered around exploring. I love to just sit and watch him. So for now I don't mind sleepless nights with Kayla, or very messy diapers from Jack (ok, maybe I mind them a little bit) I just try to enjoy every moment of their childhood.

Toga, toga...

Kayla has been to church a few times now but Sunday was the first day she wore a dress and tights. Thanks Nana for my little Sunday shoes.

Sorry daddy, I took your side of the bed.