New Additions...
We have two new arrivals to the Snyder household. Well one is still in the oven, but one is in the garage...
Addition #1 is our new mini van. Well it is new us, it is a 2005 Buick Terraza or the "fun van" as Jack calls it.
Addition #2 to be arriving at the end of September...
When we told Jack that mommy was going to have another baby he looked at me for a couple seconds, then his eyes lit up, he gasped, and said "AGAIN"! He also says mommy is having a girl, I guess because the last one was a girl it only makes sense to him that girls come out mommy's belly! Until today I thought Kayla had no idea what was going on. But at naptime while I was laying her down she stuffed her baby doll up her shirt. Somtimes I forget just how observant children can be!