Thursday, January 31, 2008

A New Post

I try to update the blog at least once a week, but it just hasn't happened lately. Kayla is finally over a three week ear infection and is just now getting back to a good nap schedule. And naptime is the only time I get to sit down at the computer. We are so glad our baby girl is back to normal. She is our little chatter box again! Kayla and Jack have full conversations now back and forth. Of course no one really knows what they're saying. But they usually end these "converstaions" with lots of giggles!

This is Jack's "what's up" face :)

Fresh from the tub with some serious towel head

One of Jack's favorite pasttimes is helping mommy with the dishes. So...I bought him an apron. Every morning when we were done with dishes his shirt would be soaked, so now we don't have to change clothes after we are done with dishes!

This was their first bath together. As soon as we put Kayla in the bath with Jack he dumped a bowl of water on her head. We sat there for a few seconds waiting to see her reaction...and she burst into giggles. Everything is more fun with Jack around!

Sibbling Love

The windchill was around zero on Sunday so we bundled up Miss Kayla really well for church!

Daddy's explanation to Kayla standing in the drawer was...."what, she's having fun"...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Kayla at 9 mos

Busy is the word for Miss Kayla this month! She has mastered the art of crawling, and prefers to crawl over anything in her path instead of going around. She has recently overcome a double ear infection and is finally back to her loud self. She squeals and babbles all day long. And one look at her brother and she bursts into giggles. She is long and lean, at 17lbs and 28.75 inches. She has also developed quite the reputation at the church nursery for stealing toys and picking on those smaller than her! :) I guess that's what happens when you have a big brother to teach you things.

This is her "cheese" face.

This the only time in her life she fell asleep while playing in the floor.
We are very glad she is feeling better these days!
Did I forget to mention she has 4 new teeth, with two more on the way, and she knows how to use them?!!!
And this is why we call her our little monkey!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Christmas part 1...

We took so many pictures during the holidays it is hard to know which ones to post. We also had three Christmas'. One at our house, one at the Clouds, and one when Brian's parents came after Christmas. As one friend put it, "we now have more toys than we have house"!

This was taken after our Christmas eve service.

Have you had your V8 today?

This is cousin Meadow that lives in NC.

Daddy and Jack

Jack got a sing a-long elmo and his favorite song was "If you're happy and you know it..."

Kayla is always right in the middle of whatever is going on

Jack also got a Mr. Potato head which is Kayla's new favorite teether...

Presents come in all shapes and sizes :)

Who's that beautiful baby?

Trying out the settings on our new camera...

Right before Christmas my college roommate, Rachael, got married in Lima, OH. Brian and Kayla went along as well.

Our big cheeser...