Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Oh to be a baby and sleep the day away...

Monday, July 23, 2007

Precious baby girl

Thank you to the Prince's for this beautiful dress!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Why are these two smiling???

These two little cherubs
are smiling because
Jack got mommy's keys
off the table and was
setting off her car alarm!

Toga man...

One morning Jack discovered the pool I had set up in the back yard for the Wire girls who came to visit us. It is hard to explain to a one and a half year old "you can't get in the pool because you aren't wearing your bath suit". So I went and got the camera and let him play. The water was rather cold if you can't tell by the look on his face in the second pic! :)

Planting a wet one on his sister... :)

We have a cart in the kitchen for my pots and pans.
Well Jack decided it could be put to better use for his toys!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Jack and Kayla's newest cousin

This is Jack and Kayla's newest cousin. She was born to Kasye (Meredith's sister) and Oliver in London, England on July 4th. She weighed in at 8lbs 9oz. Isn't she a beauty!

Nana brought Jack this really cool activity pool.

Daddy and his buddy. All of that playing can wear a little man out!

Kayla enjoyed watching Jack play in the pool.

Thanks Aunt Brandi for my new piggy!

Brian's mom and sister came to visit us last week. It was the first time Aunt Brandi got to meet Kayla. She also brought her dog Ginny which Jack called "ninny".

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

We went to Grigg's Reservoir for the 4th with friends and family. Jack really enjoyed watching the water and ducks. But I think he is still debating if he enjoyed his first boat ride.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Matching bandaids

Kayla and Mommy both had a Tetanus shot on Friday. I only hope Kayla's leg wasn't as sore as mommy's arm! We also found out that she weighs 12lbs13oz and is 24.5 in. That's 1lb and 1.5 in. in three weeks time!!!

Playing in the rain

We took Jack outside to play last Thursday and when it started to rain he still wanted to play! He played in the rain for over a half hour and loved every minute of it. The last picture is a run-by "cheese".