Friday, March 30, 2007

Swingin like a big boy...

The Snyder household has been loving the warm weather. Jack and Mommy have been taking a walk every morning. Then when Daddy gets home we usually go on another walk or play outside. The Cavanaughs let us have their old swingset and Jack loves to swing like a big boy. He actually is doing pretty good at swaying back and forth to make the swing go. Still no baby sister, but we will keep you posted...

Friday, March 23, 2007

Guess what I had on my biscuit at dinner?

Jack loves to spend the night with mom-maw and pop-paw.

Here he is sharing a morning laugh with pop-paw.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Crazy boy

Tonight we went on a walk after supper and as you can see
Jack's hat left his hair looking a little crazy!!!

Comparing bellies ... I think mommy wins!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Jack is excited

Jack is sooo excited that he has a new cousin in the family. Baby Meadow was born last week (see picture above).
Jack is posing for a close up. He's getting so big, we can barely fit him in one photo anymore.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Bathtime fun

He is a little cheese if you can't tell!!!

Jack with post-bath hair, and a very pregnant mommy...

What are you lookin' At?

I wanted to take a picture of Jack all dressed up for church
but as you can see he didn't quite cooperate.