Monday, October 13, 2008

If you haven't figured it out by now my children make quite the pair. They have already learned teamwork and are quite efficient at working together to reach a common goal. One morning I put in a sing-along video for them to watch while I took a quick shower. Why you ask would I brave leaving them alone? Well because up until this morning they would watch a video for at least 10 minutes without getting off the couch. Well this morning I left the pantry unlocked (yes we have to lock it) and Jack remembered there was a bag of M&Ms in there calling his name. Mommy returned to the living room to find happy little chilren running around like they had just eaten a whole bunch of sugar....

This summer my children fell in love with "Mamatoes" Kayla calls them. One morning I went outside to check the mail and Jack and Kayla ran around back. By the time I got around back they were feasting away! A bath followed soon after these pics...


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