Wednesday, October 08, 2008

3 Year Old Jack

First I must appoligize for my lack of blogging lately. We are still experiencing computer problems but hopefully they will be resolved soon.

I cannot believe my little boy is now a three year old! And not just any type of three year old, but a busy little boy! Overall he is a very good little boy. Like any toddler he has occasional outbursts, which often end with a requests to go to Mom-maw's house. He has quite a vocabulary these days, although there are still times when Daddy likes to call him Dutch. He loves to sing, and his favorite songs are "Father, I Adore You", and "Jesus, Name Above All Names". We have to sing them both every night before bed. He also loves "Twinkle, Twinkle" which he pronounces, "Tinkle, Tinkle" :) He also loves vehichles of all types, he likes to name different types as we drive along. His favorites are "airpanes" and "motorsickles" as he pronounces them.

Jack also adores his little sister...on most days. They are still sibblings so they have their fights, but they truly love each other. We went to a family reunion this past weekend and all four of us ended up in the same room. I think sharing a room was the highlight of Jack and Kayla's weekend. On the first night they spent over an hour giggling back and forth. As soon as Kayla would start calming down and stop talking Jack would yell, "Wake up baby, I wanna tell you somethin!" It was so cute it was hard to be mad at them. The next night I got smart and put Kayla to bed first! :)

I could go on forever about my little boy...which actually is not very little! He brings such joy to our lives. And I am often reminded how precious a gift our children are. Sometimes I am even overwhelmed at the responsibility we have been given by God to raise our children up to love and serve Him. Some days it is so hard to be a patient mother, but God never loses His patience or fails in His love.


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