Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy 30th Birthday!!!

While I am not usually one to journal on our blog I think today I will make an exception. Today is Brian's 30th Birthday! He pointed out the other night that he couldn't believe we have known each other for almost 20% of our lives. And in that 20% we have dated, got married, bought a house, 2 cars, and had 2 kids. That's a lot of activity in just a few years! I am so thankful to have Brian as my husband, the father of my children, and my best friend. He is the Godly leader of our household and of our children. He is also their jungle gym, and number one instigator for things mommy's don't usually allow! :) But I think what shows the most about Brian's charachter is how he ends every day with our son Jack. Bedtime is daddy time for Brian and Jack. He gets him ready most nights, brushes his teeth, and then puts him in his bed. Then he prays with Jack. Jack even says "daddy pray" when you put him in the bed. Jack may not understand the importance of the words Brian is saying, but I know and trust that as he gets older and the tradition continues Jack will understand the importance of Daddy praying. I am so thankful God placed Brian in to my life and I can't wait to see what unfolds as that percentage grows.

A look back at our reverse chronological order...

Kisses from Kayla

Daddy and his boy ready for bed

Daddy and his girl

Easter Sunday 07'

Kayla Ruby was born April 4th 07'

Waitin' on baby #2

Daddy's little helper

Christmas 05'

Baby #1, Jack Ryan Snyder born Oct 8th, 2005

At Megan's wedding, Sept 03'


Wedding Day July 12, 2003


At 2/22/2008 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And this wonderful relationship is a real answer to Brian's mothers prayers over the years too. I know God will continue to bless them as they are putting Christ first in their lives. It is rewarding to see God blessing them so. May God always be first in their lives. ~Mom Snyder

At 3/03/2008 4:16 PM, Blogger The Mrs. said...

Thanks for the reverse look. I forgot how Jack looked as a baby - too cute! Don't worry about being 30 Brian - you're just a baby still yourself!


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